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来源:信息系统工程 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-28
摘要:浙江龙泉,一名工作人员正在查看酒瓶内胆的清洁度。A worker examines the inside of the two celadon wine bottles in Longquan, Zhejiang. 参观者用手机拍摄龙泉青瓷非遗传承

浙江龙泉,一名工作人员正在查看酒瓶内胆的清洁度。A worker examines the inside of the two celadon wine bottles in Longquan, Zhejiang.

参观者用手机拍摄龙泉青瓷非遗传承人徐象龙的香语作品。A visitor photos a series of celadon artifacts by Xu Xianglong, a master of Longquan celadon.

龙泉青瓷小镇。A view of an exhibition hall at Longquan Celadon Town.

旧窑遗址。An aerial view of an ancient Kiln site in Longquan.

曾芹记古窑坊至今还在烧制龙泉青瓷,被称作是龙泉青瓷的活化石。This dragon kiln of the Zeng family in Longquan has been in operation for more than 170 years. It is a living fossil of Longquan celadon.

Historians agree that Longquan transformed into a full-fledged city in the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty (618-907).Jiangnan (the south of the Yangtze River Delta) witnessed an economic boom during the Tang thanks to the unification of the country and the birth of the great canal system that stretched from present-day Hangzhou to the central China. In the Tang,Longquan became a county in the national government system. Though weapon making in the private sector was banned by the government as of the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC), sword-making masters somewhat survived in Longquan.

The third developmental boom of Longquan occurred during the Song (960-1279).The royal house of the Song dynasty came south and founded the Southern Song in Hangzhou. A large number of people followed the royal house and the population in the south boomed. As the Yue Kiln in the eastern part of Zhejiang declined, a large number of skilled potters came south to Longquan, making it into China's powerhouse of celadon making. During this period, Longquan exported a large quantity of porcelains to the international market. According to historical literature, the Ou River was flanked by rows of kilns on the river banks and ships came and went busily during the Song and the subsequent Yuan (1279-1368).

The fourth boom of the city came in the Ming(1368-1644). In the early part of the dynasty, some kilns custom-made celadon wares for the royal house of the Ming. Though celadon making in Longquan began to deteriorate during the second half of the Ming,other industries such as mining and smelting, paper-making, and textile industries prospered in this small city, which was tucked conveniently away from war and chaos. In a sense, Longquan remained a leading industrial center of the country at that time.

It was not until the middle of the Qing(1644-1911) that sword-making staged a big comeback in Longquan. Some sword-making brands flourishing today in Longquan were born during that miraculous comeback.

The birth of the People's Republic of China in 1949 brought on a renaissance of celadon and sword-making in restoration has given birth to a generation of masters and boosted the development of Longquan.

Longquan has more than industry. It has culture. While the Southern Song Dynasty sat in Hangzhou and ruled the country from there, three families in Longquan were made famous by the talented people they produced. The Ye family produced statesmen and poets. The glory of the three families in Longquan started long before the Southern Song. He Zhizhong (1044-1118)from Longquan served as a private tutor to a crown prince and later served as prime minister twice. He Wan, though never a high-ranking court official, was befriended by many contemporary poets such as Su Dongpo, Chen Shidao, Qin Guan. Ye Tao(1050-1110) from Longquan was an excellent essayist and his prose style was highly appreciated by an emperor. Ye Shaoweng(1200-1250), a poet of the Southern Song,wrote a short poem titled Visiting a Private Garden without Success. It has remained one of the best known poems in China.

The Guan Family in Longquan prospered during the Song. Guan Shiren (1045-1109)served as a vice prime minister during the Northern Song. His younger brother Guan Shifu was a prominent scholar, but chose not to work as a statesman.

Mo Yan, 2012's winner of the Nobel Prize for Laureate, is a descendent of the Guan Family in Longquan. His family in Gaomi County, Shandong Province originally hailed from Longquan. This fact is written in the genealogy of the Mo clan in Gaomi. Mo Yan, born as Guan Moye, is a 24th-generation descendent of the Guan clan in Gaomi, which equals a 36th-generation descendent of the Guan clan in Longquan. In August 2010, the novelist visited his ancestral roots in Longquan.

文章来源:《信息系统工程》 网址: http://www.xxxtgc.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0728/1264.html


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